Source code for parasolr.django.signals


This module provides on-demand reindexing of Django models when they
change, based on Django signals. To use this signal handler, import
import it in the `ready` method of a django app. This will
automatically bind connect any configured signal handlers::

    from django.apps import AppConfig

    class MyAppConfig(AppConfig):
        name = 'myapp'

        def ready(self):
            # import and connect signal handlers for Solr indexing
            from parasolr.django.signals import IndexableSignalHandler

To configure index dependencies, add a property on any
:class:`~parasolr.django.indexing.ModelIndexable` subclass with the
dependencies and signals that should trigger reindexing.  Example::

    class MyModel(ModelIndexable):

        index_depends_on = {
            'collections': {
                'post_save': signal_method,
                'pre_delete': signal_method

The keys of the dependency dict can be:

- an attribute on the indexable model (i.e., the name of a many-to-many
  relationship); this will bind an additional signal handler on the m2m
  relationship change.
- an attribute on a related model using django queryset notation (use this
  for a secondary many-to many relationship, e.g. `collections__authors`)
- a string with the model name in app.ModelName notation, to find and
  load a model directly

The dictionaries for each related model or attribute should contain:

- a key with the :mod:`django.db.models.signals` signal to bind
- a signal handler to bind

Currently attribute lookup only supports many-to-many and reverse
many-to-many relationships.

Typically you will want to bind post_save and pre_delete for many-to-many


import logging

    from django.db import models

    django = True
except ImportError:
    django = None

from parasolr.django.indexing import ModelIndexable
from parasolr.django.util import requires_django

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@requires_django class IndexableSignalHandler: """Signal handler for indexing Django model-based indexables. Automatically identifies and binds handlers based on configured index dependencies on indexable objects.. """
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_save(sender, instance, **kwargs): """reindex on save if an instance of :class:`~parasolr.django.indexing.ModelIndexable`""" if isinstance(instance, ModelIndexable): logger.debug("Indexing %r", instance) instance.index()
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_delete(sender, instance, **kwargs): """remove from index on delete if an instance of :class:`~parasolr.django.indexing.ModelIndexable`""" logger.debug("Deleting %r from index", instance) if isinstance(instance, ModelIndexable): instance.remove_from_index()
[docs] @staticmethod def handle_relation_change(sender, instance, action, **kwargs): """index on add, remove, and clear for :class:`~parasolr.django.indexing.ModelIndexable` instances""" if action in ["post_add", "post_remove", "post_clear"]: if isinstance(instance, ModelIndexable): logger.debug("Indexing %r (m2m change: %s)", instance, action) instance.index()
[docs] @staticmethod def connect(): """bind indexing signal handlers to save and delete signals for :class:`~ppa.archive.solr.Indexable` subclassess and any indexing dependencies""" # bind to save and delete signals for ModelIndexable subclasses for model in ModelIndexable.__subclasses__(): logger.debug("Registering signal handlers for %s", model) models.signals.post_save.connect( IndexableSignalHandler.handle_save, sender=model ) models.signals.post_delete.connect( IndexableSignalHandler.handle_delete, sender=model ) ModelIndexable.identify_index_dependencies() for m2m_rel in ModelIndexable.m2m: logger.debug("Registering m2m signal handler for %s", m2m_rel) models.signals.m2m_changed.connect( IndexableSignalHandler.handle_relation_change, sender=m2m_rel ) for model, options in ModelIndexable.related: for signal_name, handler in options.items(): model_signal = getattr(models.signals, signal_name) logger.debug( "Registering %s signal handler %s for %s", handler, signal_name, model, ) model_signal.connect(handler, sender=model)
[docs] @staticmethod def disconnect(): """disconnect indexing signal handlers""" for model in ModelIndexable.__subclasses__(): logger.debug("Disconnecting signal handlers for %s", model) models.signals.post_save.disconnect( IndexableSignalHandler.handle_save, sender=model ) models.signals.post_delete.disconnect( IndexableSignalHandler.handle_delete, sender=model ) for m2m_rel in ModelIndexable.m2m: logger.debug("Disconnecting m2m signal handler for %s", m2m_rel) models.signals.m2m_changed.disconnect( IndexableSignalHandler.handle_relation_change, sender=m2m_rel ) for model, options in ModelIndexable.related: for signal_name, handler in options.items(): model_signal = getattr(models.signals, signal_name) logger.debug( "Disconnecting %s signal handler for %s", signal_name, model ) model_signal.disconnect(handler, sender=model)
if django: IndexableSignalHandler.connect()