Source code for parasolr.solr.client

import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import requests
from addict import Dict as AttrDict

from parasolr import __version__ as parasol_version
from parasolr.solr.admin import CoreAdmin
from parasolr.solr.base import ClientBase
from parasolr.solr.schema import Schema
from parasolr.solr.update import Update

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# NOTE: As a rule, Solr parameters that are camelcased are retained that way
# despite not being hugely Pythonic, for consistency with Solr's responses
# and API documentation.

[docs]class ParasolrDict(AttrDict): """A subclass of :class:`addict.Dict` that can convert itself to a regular dictionary."""
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Copy attributes from self as a dictionary, and recursively convert instances of :class:`ParasolrDict`.""" copy = {} for k, v in self.items(): if isinstance(v, ParasolrDict): copy[k] = v.as_dict() else: copy[k] = v return copy
def __repr__(self): """Print a dict-like :meth:`repr`, without including 'addict.Dict'.""" return "ParasolrDict(%s)" % super(AttrDict, self).__repr__()
[docs]class BaseResponse: """Base Solr response class with fields common to standard and grouped results.""" def __init__(self, response: Dict) -> None: # cast to ParasolrDict for any dict-like object and store self.response = ParasolrDict(response) # facet counts need to be processed to convert into # ordered dict, so process and store self.facet_counts = {} if "facet_counts" in self.response: self.facet_counts = self._process_facet_counts(response.facet_counts) # NOTE: To access facet_counts.facet_fields or facet_counts.facet_ranges # as OrderedDicts, you must use dict notation (or AttrDict *will* # convert). @property def params(self): "parameters sent to solr in the request, as returned in response header" return self.response.responseHeader.params @property def stats(self): "stats portion of the response, if statics were requested" return self.response.get("stats", {}) @property def highlighting(self): "highlighting portion of the response, if highlighting was requested" return self.response.get("highlighting", {}) @property def expanded(self): "expanded portion of the response, if collapse/expanded results enabled" return self.response.get("expanded", {})
[docs] def _process_facet_counts(self, facet_counts: AttrDict) -> OrderedDict: """Convert facet_fields and facet_ranges to OrderedDict. Args: facet_counts: Solr facet_counts field. Returns: Solr facet_counts field """ if "facet_fields" in facet_counts: for k, v in facet_counts.facet_fields.items(): facet_counts["facet_fields"][k] = OrderedDict(zip(v[::2], v[1::2])) if "facet_ranges" in facet_counts: for k, v in facet_counts.facet_ranges.items(): facet_counts["facet_ranges"][k]["counts"] = OrderedDict( zip(v["counts"][::2], v["counts"][1::2]) ) return facet_counts
[docs]class QueryResponse(BaseResponse): """Thin wrapper to give access to Solr select responses. Args: response: A Solr query response """ def __init__(self, response: Dict) -> None: super().__init__(response) # document list is contained with the "response" element # in the json returned by solr self.document_list = self.response.response @property def numFound(self) -> int: return self.document_list.numFound @property def start(self) -> int: return self.document_list.start @property def docs(self) -> List: return @property def items(self) -> List: return
[docs]class GroupedResponse(BaseResponse): """Query response variant for grouped results. Args: response: A Solr query response """ def __init__(self, response: Dict) -> None: super().__init__(response) # grouped response structure is structured as a dict # first keyed on fieldname with number of matches, then a dict # of group values and corresponding document list self.grouped = self.response.grouped # access grouped results at: # self.grouped.fieldname.groups # groups has # will be a dict of field value, doclist @property def group_field(self) -> str: "group.field as stored in the params. Not yet supporting grouping by query." return self.params.get("group.field", "") @property def numFound(self) -> int: # each field used for grouping has a total # for the number of matches in that grouping # return sum(group["matches"] for group in self.grouped.values()) return self.grouped.get(self.group_field, {}).get("matches", 0) @property def groups(self) -> List: """Unlike ``, this returns a list of groups with nested documents. :return: _description_ :rtype: List """ return self.grouped.get(self.group_field, {}).get("groups", []) @property def items(self) -> List: return self.groups
[docs]class SolrClient(ClientBase): """Class to aggregate all of the other Solr APIs and settings. Args: solr_url: Base url for solr. collection: Name of Solr collection or core. commitWithin: Time in ms for soft commits to happen. session: A python-requests :class:`requests.Session`. """ #: CoreAdmin API handler core_admin_handler = "admin/cores" #: Select handler select_handler = "select" #: Schema API handler schema_handler = "schema" # Update API handler update_handler = "update" #: core or collection name collection = "" #: commitWithin time in ms commitWithin = 1000 def __init__( self, solr_url: str, collection: str, commitWithin: Optional[int] = None, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, ) -> None: # Go ahead and create a session if one is not passed in super().__init__(session=session) self.solr_url = solr_url self.collection = collection if commitWithin: self.commitWithin = commitWithin self.session.headers = { "User-Agent": "parasolr/%s (python-requests/%s)" % (parasol_version, requests.__version__) } # attach remainder of API using a common session # and common settings self.schema = Schema( self.solr_url, self.collection, self.schema_handler, self.session ) self.update = Update( self.solr_url, self.collection, self.update_handler, self.commitWithin ) self.core_admin = CoreAdmin( self.solr_url, self.core_admin_handler, self.session )
[docs] def query(self, wrap: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[QueryResponse]: """Perform a query with the specified kwargs. Args: **kwargs: Any valid Solr search parameters. Returns: A search QueryResponse. """ url = self.build_url(self.solr_url, self.collection, self.select_handler) # use POST for efficiency and send as x-www-form-urlencoded headers = {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} response = self.make_request("post", url, headers=headers, params=kwargs) if response: # queries return the search response for now # unnless a raw/unwrapped result is requested, # determine result type to use and initialize if wrap: result_class = QueryResponse if "grouped" in response: result_class = GroupedResponse response = result_class(response) return response