Getting Started

To use parasolr you need a Solr installation that you can connect to. Once you have Solr set up, use solr start to make sure it’s running, and then create a new core: solr create -c core_name.

To interact with solr, use the SolrClient included in parasolr. It should be initialized with the URL for your Solr installation and the name of the core you want to query:

from parasolr.solr.client import SolrClient

solr_url = "http://localhost:8983/solr"
solr_core = "core_name"
solr = SolrClient(solr_url, solr_core)

Now you can index some data. The index method takes a list of dictionaries; note that any content you include must be JSON-serializable. For example, to index data from a CSV file:

    "id": row["id"],
    "name": row["name"],
    "tags": row['tags'].split('|')
    # etc ...
} for row in csv])

To query the data you’ve indexed, initialize a SolrQuerySet, passing it the solr client you used before:

from parasolr.query import SolrQuerySet

queryset = SolrQuerySet(solr)
queryset ='search string').order_by('name')
results = queryset.get_results(rows=20)

results contains a list of dictionaries that you’re can manipulate or display as needed.

To remove records from your solr core, you can delete based on a query. For example, to delete all indexed items:
