Source code for parasolr.schema

Solr schema configuration and management.

Extend :class:`SolrSchema` for your project and configure
the fields, field types, and copy fields you want defined in Solr.
Fields should be defined using :class:`SolrField` and field types
with :class:`SolrAnalyzer` and :class:`SolrFieldType`.
For example::

    from parasolr import schema

    class MySolrSchema(schema.SolrSchema):
        '''Project Solr schema configuration'''

        # field declarations
        author = schema.SolrField('text_en')
        author_exact = schema.SolrStringField()
        title = schema.SolrField('text_en')
        title_nostem = schema.SolrStringField()
        subtitle = schema.SolrField('text_en')
        collections = schema.SolrField('text_en', multivalued=True)

        #: copy fields, for facets and variant search options
        copy_fields = {
            'author': 'author_exact',
            'collections': 'collections_s',
            'title': ['title_nostem', 'title_s'],
            'subtitle': 'subtitle_s',

Copy fields should be a dictionary of source and destination fields; both single
value and list are supported for destination.

If you want to define a custom field type, you can define an
analyzer for use in one or more field type declarations::

    class UnicodeTextAnalyzer(schema.SolrAnalyzer):
        '''Solr text field analyzer with unicode folding. Includes all standard
        text field analyzers (stopword filters, lower case, possessive, keyword
        marker, porter stemming) and adds ICU folding filter factory.
        tokenizer = 'solr.StandardTokenizerFactory'
        filters = [
            {"class": "solr.StopFilterFactory", "ignoreCase": True,
             "words": "lang/stopwords_en.txt"},
            {"class": "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"},
            {"class": "solr.EnglishPossessiveFilterFactory"},
            {"class": "solr.KeywordMarkerFilterFactory"},
            {"class": "solr.PorterStemFilterFactory"},
            {"class": "solr.ICUFoldingFilterFactory"},

    class SolrTextField(schema.SolrTypedField):
        field_type = 'text_en'

    class MySolrSchema(schema.SolrSchema):
        '''Schema configuration with custom field types'''

        text_en = schema.SolrFieldType('solr.TextField',

        content = SolrTextField()

To update your configured solr core with your schema, run::

    python solr_schema

This will automatically find your :class:`SolrSchema` subclass and
apply changes.  See :mod:``
manage command documentation for more details.



import logging
from typing import Any, Optional

from attrdict import AttrDefault

from parasolr.solr.client import SolrClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SolrField: """A descriptor for declaring a solr field on a :class:`SolrSchema` instance. Args: fieldtype: The type of Solr field. required: Whether the field is required. multivalues: Whether the field is multi-valued. Raises: AttributeError: If ``__set__`` is called. """ def __init__( self, fieldtype: str, required: bool = False, multivalued: bool = False, default: str = None, stored: bool = True, ): self.type = fieldtype self.required = required self.multivalued = multivalued self.default = default self.stored = stored def __get__(self, obj, objtype): opts = { "type": self.type, "required": self.required, "multiValued": self.multivalued, "stored": self.stored, } if self.default: opts["default"] = self.default return opts def __set__(self, obj, val): # enforce read-only descriptor raise AttributeError
[docs]class SolrTypedField(SolrField): """Base class for typed solr field descriptor. For use with your own field types, extend and set :attr:`field_type`. Args: *args: Arguments as passsed to :class:`SolrField`. **kwargs: Keyword arguments as passed to :class:`SolrField`. """ field_type = None def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(self.field_type, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SolrStringField(SolrTypedField): """Solr string field.""" field_type = "string"
[docs]class SolrAnalyzer: """Class to declare a solr field analyzer with tokenizer and filters, for use with :class:`SolrFieldType`. """ #: string name of the tokenizer to use tokenizer = None #: list of the filters to apply filters = None @classmethod def as_solr_config(cls): """ """ return {"tokenizer": {"class": cls.tokenizer}, "filters": cls.filters}
[docs]class SolrFieldType: """A descriptor for declaring and configure a solr field type on Args: field_class: The class of the SolrField analyzer: The name of the Solr analyzer to use on the field. Additional field options can be passed as keyword arguments. Raises: AttributeError: If __set__ is called. """ def __init__(self, field_class: str, analyzer: str, **kwargs: Any): self.field_class = field_class self.analyzer = analyzer self.opts = kwargs def __get__(self, obj, objtype): # return format neded for declaring field type opts = self.opts.copy() opts.update( {"class": self.field_class, "analyzer": self.analyzer.as_solr_config()} ) return opts def __set__(self, obj, val): # enforce read-only descriptor raise AttributeError
[docs]class SolrSchema: """Solr schema configuration.""" #: dictionary of copy fields to be configured #: key is source field, value is destination field or list of fields copy_fields = {}
[docs] @classmethod def get_configuration(cls): """Find a SolrSchema subclass for use as schema configuration. Currently only supports one schema configuration. """ subclasses = cls.__subclasses__() if not subclasses: raise Exception("No Solr schema configuration found") elif len(subclasses) > 1: raise Exception( "Currently only one Solr schema configuration is supported (found %d)" % len(subclasses) ) return subclasses[0]
[docs] @classmethod def get_field_names(cls) -> list: """iterate over class attributes and return all that are instances of :class:`SolrField`. Returns: List of attributes that are :class:`SolrField`. """ return [ attr_name for attr_name, attr_type in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_type, SolrField) ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_field_types(cls) -> list: """iterate over class attributes and return all that are instances of :class:`SolrFieldType`. Returns: List of attriubtes that are :class:`SolrFieldType`. """ return [ attr_name for attr_name, attr_type in cls.__dict__.items() if isinstance(attr_type, SolrFieldType) ]
[docs] @classmethod def configure_fields(cls, solr: SolrClient) -> AttrDefault: """Update the configured Solr instance schema to match the configured fields. Calls :meth:`configure_copy_fields` after new fields have been created and before old fields are removed, since an outdated copy field could prevent removal. Args: solr: A configured Solr instance schem. Returns: :class:`attrdict.AttrDefault` with counts for added, updated, and deleted fields. """ current_fields = [ for field in solr.schema.list_fields()] configured_field_names = cls.get_field_names() # use attrdict instead of defaultdict since we have attrmap stats = AttrDefault(int, {}) for field_name in configured_field_names: field_opts = getattr(cls, field_name) if field_name not in current_fields: logger.debug("Adding schema field %s %s", field_name, field_opts) solr.schema.add_field(name=field_name, **field_opts) stats.added += 1 else: # NOTE: currently no check if field configuration has changed logger.debug("Replace schema field %s %s", field_name, field_opts) solr.schema.replace_field(name=field_name, **field_opts) stats.replaced += 1 # copy fields need to be configured *after* fields are added # but before old fields are removed, because a copy field # that references an outdated field will prevent removal cls.configure_copy_fields(solr) # remove previously defined fields that are no longer current for field_name in current_fields: # don't remove special fields! if field_name == "id" or field_name.startswith("_"): continue if field_name not in configured_field_names: stats.deleted += 1 logger.debug("Delete schema field %s", field_name) solr.schema.delete_field(field_name) return stats
[docs] @classmethod def configure_copy_fields(cls, solr: SolrClient) -> None: """Update configured Solr instance schema with copy fields. Args: solr: Configured Solr Schema. """ # get list of currently configured copy fields solr_copy_fields = solr.schema.list_copy_fields() # create a dictionary lookup of existing copy fields from Solr # source field -> list of destination fields cp_fields = AttrDefault(list, {}) for copyfield in solr_copy_fields: cp_fields[copyfield.source].append(copyfield.dest) # add copy fields that are not already defined for source, dest in cls.copy_fields.items(): if source not in cp_fields or dest not in cp_fields[source]: logger.debug("Adding copy field %s %s", source, dest) solr.schema.add_copy_field(source, dest) # delete previous copy fields that are no longer wanted for cp_field in solr_copy_fields: dest = cls.copy_fields.get(cp_field.source, None) # check multiple conditions for copy field deletion delete = False # - source field is not in configured copy fields at all if cp_field.source not in cls.copy_fields: delete = True # - configured destination is a list and value is not present elif isinstance(dest, list): if cp_field.dest not in dest: delete = True # - not a list and value does not match elif cp_field.dest != dest: delete = True if delete: logger.debug("Deleting copy field %(source)s %(dest)s", cp_field) solr.schema.delete_copy_field(cp_field.source, cp_field.dest)
[docs] @classmethod def configure_fieldtypes(cls, solr: SolrClient) -> AttrDefault: """Update the configured Solr instance so the schema includes the configured field types, if any. Args: solr: A configured Solr instance. Returns: :class:`attrdict.AttrDefault` with counts for updated and added field types. """ configured_field_types = cls.get_field_types() stats = AttrDefault(int, {}) # if none are configured, nothing to do if not configured_field_types: return stats # convert list return into dictionary keyed on field type name current_field_types = { ftype["name"]: ftype for ftype in solr.schema.list_field_types() } for field_type in configured_field_types: field_type_opts = getattr(cls, field_type) # add name for comparison with current config field_type_opts["name"] = field_type if field_type in current_field_types: # if field exists [but definition has changed, ] replace it # NOTE: could add logic to only update when the field type # configuration has changed, but simple dict comparison # does not recognize as equal even when the config has # not changed stats.updated += 1 logger.debug( "Updating field type %s with options %s", field_type, field_type_opts, ) solr.schema.replace_field_type(**field_type_opts) # otherwise, create as a new field type else: stats.added += 1 logger.debug( "Adding field type %s with options %s", field_type, field_type_opts ) solr.schema.add_field_type(**field_type_opts) # NOTE: currently no deletion support; would need to keep # a list of predefined Solr field types to check against, # which might change, so could be unreliable return stats